Add Blender projects to the queue¶
BRQ will always use the .blend file you originnaly added to the queue. No copy will be done, this means that if you modify your project in Blender after adding it the queue and you hit RENDER
the modified file will be used.
How to add a Blender projects¶
Drag & Drop you .blend file directly in the BRQ window
If using the BRQ Add-On, in Blender add the currently opened project by click on
Render ‣ Add to Blender Render Queue
Use the shortcut
Ctrl-O / ⌘-O
MacOs users can use the main menu bar and navigate to File ‣ Open
Items field description¶
- File name
The blend file name
Click it to reveal the file in the explorer
- Status
A message indicating if the item is pending, rendering, done or has failed
Click the status message to reveal the rendered file in the explorer
- Scene
Select the scene you want to use
- Camera
Select the camera you want to render
- View Layer
Select the view layer you want to render, leave it to default value to respect Blender settings
- Start
First frame to render
- End
Last frame to render
- Draft
Render a preview animation with basic solid materials
Reorder your items¶
Items in the queue will be rendered sequentially from the top one to the bottom one, skipping those disabled whith the toggle button. You can reorder items in the queue by using the handle at the right of each items.

Drag & Drop items to reorder the queue.¶
Look at output settings¶
Use the expand arrow on the left to expand item and have a look at the output settings.
Clicking the output path lets you specify another location. Please note that it will only be used by BRQ and wont be save saved to your blend file.

Details include render engine
, resolution
, fps
, transparency
, file format
and output path