Queue multiple Scenes ================================== | You can add all scenes of a single blend file in just a second. | All scenes will be rendered sequentially. Set up your scenes in Blender ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Add as many scenes as you want in your project. .. figure:: ../_static/img/screenshots/scene-scenes.png In this example, 2 scenes are being used to create two different versions of the same animation. One empty room, and an other with furnitures. .. tip:: Set a dynamic output file path for all scenes by using :ref:`File Output Wildcards `. Send your project to BRQ ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. image:: ../_static/img/screenshots/install-addon.gif Select your scene in BRQ ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Duplicate the render item by using the shortcut ``Shift-D``, then select the scene you want to render. Or add all scenes with ``RMB ‣ Queue multiple ‣ All scenes``. .. image:: ../_static/img/screenshots/queue-scenes.png The Result ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. figure:: ../_static/img/renders/rooms.png On the left, the saved image for the ``Room Empty`` scene, on the right the ``Room`` scene with furnitures.